Rowan University Cinema Workshop

Thursday, February 21, 2008

*The positions that have already been crewed out for 48 are as follows:
-Producer: Adam Chazen
-Director: Andrew Baker and Megan McLaughlin
-D.P.: Tommy Oceanak
Sign up sheets were passed around for location scout/manager, casting director, assistant producer, and assistant director. If you are interested in any of these positions send an e-mail to Jeff Reeves at [email protected] by next Thursday.

*Pantomime is shooting March 1st and 2nd

*Tommy's film is looking to shoot March 8th and 9th

*The Oscar Party will be at Adam Chazen's townhouse (604) beginning at 7:00PM. Please bring some kind of snack.

*The sign up sheet for this semester's service project as volunteers at the Philadelphia Film Festival was passed around last night. If you are interested in helping and didn't sign the list e-mail Jeff.

*March 6th is Ritz Movie Night!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

*Resumes for Director, Producer, and Cinematographer for 48 Hour are due by 4 PM on Thursday Feb.21st to the e-board...You can e-mail them to Jeff Reeves at [email protected]. We are also looking for those interested in locations manager and casting director.

*Oscar ballots are due next week...please sell! This is money that gets used on our films. The Oscar party will be held at Adam Chazen and Andrew Baker's townhouse (604).

*Let us know if you'd be interested in working at the Philadelphia Film Fest for our service project this semester

*Tommy Oceanak's film is currently re-working some of the script

*Chris Nowak's "Pantomime" is set to shoot March 1st and 2nd. Please respond to the e-mail he sent if you recieved one

*Don Morris passed around a crew sign up sheet for his film. If you are interested on working on his film please e-mail [email protected]

*E-board is revising the production guidelines. Please read before you schedule a pitch. All pre-production paper must be completed before dates will be given.

*Cinema Workshop will be having its premiere in late April.

*Matt LaRoche pitched his script entitled "It's Not Too Late".

Thursday, February 7, 2008

*48 hour will be held sometime in late March-the official dates have not been yet announced...

*Resumes for 48 for Producer, Director, and Cinematographer are due Feb. 20th to the e-board

*Oscar ballots are due in two weeks during the Cinema Workshop meeting on Feb. 21st. There is a gift card for the person who sells the most, so make sure to sell as many as you can. This is your chance to raise money for the club...

*The Oscar party will be held at Adam Chazen and Andrew Baker's townhouse to check the ballots.

*For our service project this semester we are talking about volunteering at the Philadelphia Film Festival. If you work a certain number of hours you can get free passes to see some films.

*A sign up sheet was passed around for Mike Fromm's movie "The Watcher" for credits...if you did not attend the meeting make sure to e-mail Mike Fromm your position on his crew or send an e-mail to Jeff Reeves who can forward it to Mike.

-Matt LaRoche is pitching his script next week

-The last Thursday before Spring Break will be a Ritz Movie Night

-"Firing Johnson" is on the assembly step of the editing process

-"The Mind's Eye" is on the rough cut step of the editing process

-Make sure to respond to "Pantomime" e-mails for crew sent by Chris Nowak and let him know if you accept the position

-Don Morris pitched his script "The Storm's Coming." The club workshoped it and it was green-lit.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Welcome back everybody!

*This year's 48 Hour Film Fest is going to be held at some point in April. Resumes for Director, Producer, and Cinematographer are due on Feb. 20 to the e-board. Please include:

*Why you want this position
*Why you'd be good for this position
*What classes you've taken that are relevant
*Previous experience through Cinema Workshop or any other experience you have

*Oscar ballots were explained. The person who sells the most ballots wins a gift card. They will be available in two weeks during the meeting.

*Check your e-mails soon if you requested to be on "Pantomime". Pre-
production is nearing completion and is expected to be shooting the
first weekend in March

*Tommy's film is beginning its pre-production stages. If you are
interested in being on his crew, see Tommy.

*The brand new sound equipment is in!

*From now on scripts must be handed into e-board two weeks before you plan to pitch

*A possible Cinema Workshop 48 hour/2 Min. Films are in discussion

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Copyright 2004-2007 Cinema Workshop
Site design by Colin Weir